
I had high hopes that I could present my thesis before summer but now I have to admit that will not happen. I will aim at finishing most work by 30th July and then take a brake as my son is having summer holiday from day care. (Writing during nap time is just not enough.) Then I hopefully have time to write in August before the second baby is born. Just hoping she will take her time… After that I would take 6 months brake to nurse my baby. I don’t think I will be able to do any significant writing during the brake so I really have to push to finish before that.I should be able present the work, hand it over after corrections and write the final exam/essay in March 2018.

The major tasks still left to do are to find more literature on stereotyping, colonialism and still images of African characters in Western graphic design within popular culture. After this I still need to refine the narrative as I feel right now it is not as evocative as it should be.

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