Outline of the Thesis Proposal

1 Introduction

  • background
  • the problem
  • research question
  • purpose
  • who will benefit

2 Literature Review

  • theories
  • definitions

3 Objectives

  • research Question
  • goals
  • the product

4 Methodology 

  • research methods

5 Implementation

  • description of tasks
  • schedule

6 Risks

  • SWOT analysis
  • ethical evaluation

7 Raports

  • draft table of contents
  • documentation plan
  • other reports (work diary)
  • publishing (where will I display my product)

8 Data / Research Material

  • list and description of the research material

9 References

  • references of the proposal
  • draft reference list of the thesis

10 Attachments

  • description of the parties involved
  • research material?

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